Jasper Norman, He is a DeafBlind Latino, is first American-born from South America.

Jasper started to travel when he was 13 years old and started too captivate with traveling ever since. He has love for the culture, food, people, history and language through touch.

Jasper has experience of many barriers while growing up. (School/college days, careers, life and many more) which had led him to take Tactile Communications, LLC training center.

He also work as ProTactile Trainer since 2013. He traveled around here in USA and in the international countries to provided PT trainings and presentations related PT Philosophy and language and culture to educate as well about DB journeys. He graduated from Tactile Communications, LLC in Seattle, WA on October 20th, 2017.

He would love to touch DeafBlind people all over the world, just to have an interview and spread their journeys!

Jasper is avid traveler!